.. _Digital presence behavior at the workplace: Digital presence behavior at the workplace ============================================== **Short Description:** The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a fundamental increase in the prevalence of remote work and the use of digital communication with colleagues, supervisors, and clients. How do workers, both employees and the self-employed, handle these changes? This research project aims at examining the extent and the consequences of the “constant connectivity” (Wajcman, 2016) by socio-demographic characteristics (gender, education, age, parenthood status), personality traits (Big 5), and job characteristics (type of contract, organizational tenure, leadership responsibilities, occupation, economic sector, remote work and working hours). **Methodological Details:** Respondents were asked questions about their current work situation and especiall about working outside of their usual office/business hours. .. csv-table:: :file: csv/Digital presence behavior at the workplace.csv :header-rows: 1